Malone vs. Kobe続報


Vannessaの「こっちに来て一緒にゲームをみよう」コール。Maloneは" 'No, why don't you come sit by me and give me a big hug that would be on the front cover of every magazine in the country?'。これは冗談でいってるのだと思いますが。例の Maloneの "hunting for a young Mexican girl"発言ですが、ラテン系の Vannessaにとっては侮辱になるみたい。試合の後に Kobeは車から Maloneへ電話。"Stay away from my wife," Bryant recalled Sunday as saying to Malone. "What's wrong with you? How could you?。「俺の嫁にちかづくんじゃね〜よ」「何が気に食わんの?」「よくもまあそんな...」って感じかな、意訳すると。

更に Kobeは "He said, 'I'm sorry if I said anything, if I was out of line, I'll apologize.' What he said is what he said. This thing went on for a while. My wife isn't going to sit there and exaggerate something or blow something out of proportion that doesn't need to be blown out of proportion. She felt uncomfortable being around the dude to the point where she felt like she had to call his wife and tell his wife, 'Your husband's acting out of control right now.'。「Karlは "もし気に入らんことを言ったり度が過ぎたのなら謝るよ"って言ってたよ」「俺の嫁はね、たわいもないことを大げさに吹聴するようなことはしね〜よ」などなど。

さらに "I don't have anything to apologize for, as far as from what took place down there [on Nov. 23]," Bryant said. "The comments he said, I don't know any man in this room that would not be upset about that."。「この件(Malone-Vannessa事件)に関しては謝ることなんかね〜よ」「奴の言ったことにたいして、腹が立たない男なんていね〜だろ」。2重否定の文章はわかりにくいな〜。


今日は Magic vs. Suns*1, Heat vs. Wizardsなどに注目かな.

*1:田臥選手と S. Francisのマッチアップきぼー