DFF is legal?

CSW ASLフォルダーでのやりとり。

After a very long hiatus (5+ years), I'm getting the itch to play ASL again. Where's the best place to find opponents for PBEM/VASL matches? Here? Gamesquad? Someplace else?

これに「GameSquadの Opponents Wantedスレッドで探すといいよ」「VASLサーバーでうろうろしてれば見つかるんじゃねえの」などのレス。


Can you Defensive First Fire at "someone hanging out on the server"?


No as he is not expending any MF in doing so...

Yet you can shoot at him when he actually enters the server!


You could shoot at him with Air Support.

最後のレスは直前のやりとりが関連しています。最初の書き込みの前に Pitmanが ASLクイズを 2題出しています。2題目の問題は以下の通り。

Here's another one, probably pretty easy. During Defensive First Fire, how can you fire at a unit that is not moving? Note: this does not include Residual Fire.

いろいろと回答が出ましたが当てたのは Jazzこと Tom Jazbutis*1

Air Attack (strafing) E7.43

下が Pitmanの回答へのコメントの引用。

Jazz's answer is indeed correct (and the only correct one of the suggestions offered): Air Support. Pretty much all the other ones still involved someone "moving" in ASL terms (even though it might have been to place SMOKE, etc., it was still that unit's MPh). With Air Support, I can say, "I am going to move this unit HERE," and my opponent can say, "Well, isn't that special? I'm going to attack that unit way over THERE."


Just goes to show you that even a broken clock is right twice a day....

*1:GameSquadの ASLフォーラムでは Moderatorの役割をしています。