ボード 42

CSW ASLフォルダーへの Brian Youseのコメントの引用。

Board 42 Solution

Ok, folks. Perry and I have gotten together and discussed this situation.

While shipping board 42 (fixed) with the next few preorders, beginning with TTT, was certainly a workable and easy solution for us, it has proven to be less than well received by those who had AP3 but did not preorder TTT. So we went back to the drawing board.

This is what we've come up with...

If you have a board 42 (released with Action Pack #3) with the incorrect wall placement on hexside W5/X5, you can get a new map shipped to you if you send us your bad map. Physically send it to us in the mail. We will not be able to accept a scan for this swap. If you wish to save the cost of shipping a full map, you can send us just a piece of the map - so long as it includes the board number. You do not need to send anything else.

Once we receive this map (or piece of map) we will send you a brand spanking new board 42 with the wall in the correct place.

If you do not wish to spend the cost of shipping the map/piece-of map to us, we still have the patch/overlay to repair the problem available for free download. You can get that overlay here:


Please note we will not be including board 42 in future preorders!

This is probably what we should have done from the beginning, but we made the (since proven to be incorrect) assumption that most people who preordered AP3 would also have preordered other items next up in our production queue.

Hopefully this is the least offensive yet moderately cost-effective solution to resolving this problem.

要約しますと、Action Pack #3に入っていたエラーのあるボード 42を所有していて、かつ "Turning the Tide"シナリオバンドルプレオーダーのおまけについた修正版ボード 42を所有しておらず、さらに修正版ボード 42を手に入れたい人を対象にした交換プログラムです。

Action Pack #3に入っていたエラーのあるボード 42を MMPに送ると修正版が送り返されてくるそうです。エラーのあるボード 42は、ボード番号を含んだ部分を切り取ったものでも可だそうです。これだと小さい封筒で送ることが出来るので送料を減らすことが出来ます。MMPからの返送分の送料は MMP持ちってこと?

修正版ボード 42はもうすぐ再販される予定の Doomed Battalions 3版にも入る予定なので、これを手に入れる予定の人はスルーでよいのではないでしょうか。と言いつつ、DB購入予定の私はボード 42の切れ端を送りたい気持ちになっています。VASL率の高い ASLerであるので「ボードなんていらんだろ」という内なる心の叫びが聞こえてきますが「うるせー、欲しいもんは欲しいんじゃ」という別の声が優勢。

これを読むと「新 DBへ改訂 Board 42が入る」という話がなかったことになりかねない気がします。

One query: does this new plan replace the previous "we will include the board inside a future new product yet to be determined" plan? Or was that previous plan already replaced by the "we will include the board with future pre-orders" plan?

I guess it doesn't really matter, does it?

The current, and last, plan for distributing fixed board 42's to make up for the map in AP3 is as posted above. You have a bad one, please send us a chunk or the whole map and you'll get a fixed one ASAP.

Or you can download the free pdf patch to fix yours if you'd rather save the cost of a stamp.

やっぱり MMPからの改訂版の返送の代金は MMP持ちらしいです。さて、AP3についていた Board 42を探し出そうっと。Brian Youseのコメントだと改訂版 Board 42は再版 DBには入らないようですね。