MMPのプレオーダーから 2ゲームがキャンセル

"Barren Victory II"と "Eisenhower's War"です。以下が CSWの MMPフォルダーへの Brian Youseの書き込みの引用です。

P# changes


We have removed two games from the preorder system. Any preorders for these games will be deleted from our system. We want to thank you for those orders, we are sorry these games have not been performing in a manner that gives us confidence in their future production with MMP.

The first of these games is Barren Victory II. Dean is investigating redoing this CWB module using the (hopefully soon to be introduced) Line of Battle rules, and so with the gracious agreement of Adam we have decided to shelve the joint CWB/Adam Starkweather rules concept while waiting for LOB.

The second game was to be our first foray into card games, Eisenhower's War. We just didn't seem to get anywhere with this title, which is unfortunate because it is a game we enjoyed a great deal. We have, with permission of the designer and developer, forwarded the game to Andy Lewis at GMT who will be looking into its possible publication. We just felt it might work better with them due to their experiences with a similar game type, GMTs Pacific Typhoon. Jeff and Eric have been a joy to work with and we sincerely hope it sells tens of thousands of copies for GMT - in which case we'll be looking for something in return.

Thanks again to everyone involved for their efforts, and I am sorry it just didn't work out in these two cases.

Eisenhower's Warに関しては GMTからの発売の可能性を模索していく、ということになるようです。これは面白い展開ですね。こんなこともあるんですね。これで GMTから発売され、さらに人気が出たら MMPとしては複雑だろうなあ。

聞くところによると A Victroy Lostもプレオーダーの集まりは今ひとつだったとか。それが発売後、口コミで面白さが伝わり、その後は皆さんのご存知の通りです。