Code of Ho Update by Chas Argent

CSW ASLフォルダーへの Chas Argentによる書き込みの引用。

Code of Bushido v2 Update

The ball has been rolling for some time on the MMP version of the full PTO package. This will combine all the counters, scenarios, boards, overlays and rules which originally appeared in Code of Bushido and Gung Ho, in addition to extra scenarios. Here is the current status of the project:

1) Dave Childs & Keith Dalton are almost done with the counter sheets; Dave is re-doing all the images, feeding them to Keith to make counters, then Dave is taking the counters and creating the final sheets. Pain in the ass.

2) Dave is re-flowing chapter G to match the "new" official layout, and is inserting new board and overlay art. Once this step is done Chapter G will need extensive proofing.

3) Chapter H (Japanese, Chinese, and Landing Craft) will be complete as soon as Keith can get the remaining counter images to Dave and Dave can insert them. Then it's off to proofing for this as well.

4) The 5 map boards (34-39) have been painted by Kurt Miller and are done and ready for proofing.

5) The Overlays are almost done, though we still need the Gavutu-Tanambogo overlays to be painted by Kurt since it's been decided to include that in the package. All will be proofed when complete.

6) Perry and I are working with a group of players on scenario selection above and beyond the original CoB/GH 16. We will also be working on incorporating errata and Balance adjustments for those which need help. All of these will need to be laid out though Dave has already done most of the original 16. There is no final number yet set for the package, but I'd guess we're headed for 30 scenarios total (since we already have 19, including G-T ). Could be more or less, however. The balance will be made of up of out-of-print scenarios which fit the package.

I'm sure Dave and Keith will chime in if I've gacked something here.
