オーバーレイパック poll

ここで MMPの Brian Youseが ASL Overlay Packに関する投票を求めています*1

All this talk of overlays...

We're in the process of laying out the overlays for DB w/new artwork. We had the artist do all of them at once.

Just looking for an opinion at this point...

Overlay pack. I have no idea what the cost would be, depends on how many really.

So please vote (and if I could sponge on someone to keep track that'd be awesome!):

a) All overlays bundle.

b) Ocean/Beach overlay bundle; Desert bundle; Everything else bundle.

c) no interest in an overlay bundle at all.

私は Aですね。あまりお高いようだと考えちゃいますが、そんなにべらぼうな額はつけないと信じています。Bも悪くはないと思うのですが。とにかく MMPがオーバレイパックについて真剣に考えてくれているということがわかってうれしい。
