
ConsimWorldの MMPフォーラムへの Brian Youse氏の書き込み。

Merry Christmas Everyone

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, etc. to everyone.

I've been pretty absent from email/CSW since Thursday, just popped in to say that I hope everyone has a happy, safe holiday season.

We're sorry there won't be ASLSK#3s under everyone's tree. January timeframe looks great, however. Maybe even by WO for those lucky enough to attend.

This has been a banner year for MMP, what with the release of Armies of Oblivion, Shifting Sands, Guadalajara, A Victory Lost, Strike Them A Blow, ASL Journal #7, Afrika II, Operations 48 and 49, and Beyond Valor's reprint.

Next year looks even better with Valor of the Guards, Starter Kit #3, Journal #8, Talavera, Doomed Battalions, The Devil's Cauldron and a slew of other near to hit games on the horizon.

Perry, Curt, and I wish to thank you for your continued support of MMP.

ASLSK#3の年内完成は無理だったようです。Valar of the Guardsも 1月か 2月ぐらいという噂をどこかで読んだな。