

Cubanは「ケツで顔に乗っかられてる状態では股間にパンチしても当然で NBAの判断は間違っている」みたいなコメントをしてます。そりゃ知らんかったよ。ちょっと意訳が入っているので下に Cubanのコメントを引用。

"It's not right, and I told the league so.

"It's certainly not consistent with what the league has done in the past.

"Jason responds to a guy hipchecking him in the head while he is on his back and can't protect himself and he gets suspended. You can't throw a punch while you are on your back and someone is laying on you.

"If Jason had tried to get him off with an open hand, or an elbow, we wouldnt be talking about this at all. Look at [Manu] Ginobli in the replays, he is staring at everything that happens and doesn't respond at all, but all the while you can see the grimace on Jason's face.

"The league also said they didn't know if the [Michael] Finley piledriver with his hip to Jason's head while Ginobli was lying on him was intentional or not. So they couldn't do anything about it.

"Unbelievable. When it's all [said] and done, this series could end up being talked about for all the wrong reasons."


"Throwing a punch is different than reacting with a closed fist when you are the bottom of a pileup."

Terryが物理的に痛みを受ける状態にした Ginobiliと Finleyが悪くて Terryはそれに反応しただけで悪くない、ってのが彼の言い分みたい。ルーズボールには全員が突っ込んでくるあの状況で、肉弾戦になるのはしょうがないと思うけど。Ginobiliも Finleyもボールを取りに行っているだけで、故意に Terryを傷めようとしてるわけでわないし。ゲームの勝敗がかかったあの状況でそんな余裕があるわけもなし。逆の立場だったらぎゃんぎゃん言って来るんだろうな。態度を 180度変えて。

It's all depending on which side you stand on.